Join Us Sunday Mornings at 10:00 am


Worship defines us as human beings. God made us to worship Him; as the Westminster Catechism reminds us, our primary purpose in life is to ‘Glorify God and enjoy Him forever.’ St. Augustine said of God that ‘our hearts are restless until it rests in Thee.’ In our sin, we look for all kinds of idols to replace God; the gospel shows us the emptiness of these idols, and the fullness of God’s grace. To worship God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, is to be truly human.

When we gather as a church to worship God on the Lord’s Day, we are celebrating our freedom that Christ has won for us with His life, death and resurrection. Our liturgy (order of service) reflects the gospel pattern of praise, confession of sin, and hearing the Word preached, followed by Communion.

Regarding music, HDPC chooses not to engage in what is commonly called the ‘worship wars.’ We use a variety of hymns and praise songs, all of which have solid lyrical content and are fairly easy to sing.

The pastor’s sermon is the centerpiece of the service, and usually lasts between 20-30 minutes. The message is always based from a passage in the Bible and is usually ‘expository’, meaning that the central theme of the sermon is the central point of the biblical text.

We celebrate The Lord’s Supper every Sunday at High Desert. Communion follows the sermon and is a chance to reflect upon God’s grace and to celebrate what Jesus has done for us. We serve Communion to anyone who has professed faith in Jesus and has done so publicly.

Finally, we love children! And God loves kids, too. We encourage children to stay in the worship service with their family. Kids five and under are invited to attend children’s church halfway through the service.  

View this week’s bulletin


Download past bulletins

Click to download – 2.16.25 bulletin

Click to download – 2.9.25 bulletin

Click to download – 2.2.25 bulletin

Click to download – 1.26.25 bulletin

Click to download – 1.19.25 bulletin

Click to download – 1.12.25 bulletin

Click to download – 1.5.24 bulletin

Click to download – 12.29.24 bulletin

Click to download – 12.24.24 Christmas Eve bulletin

Click to download – 12.22.24 bulletin

Click to download – 12.15.24 bulletin